Traveling to propose can be romantic, special, and, unfortunately, stressful. However, planning ahead with your proposal in mind can avoid any sticky situations. 

As Austin’s expert proposal planners, here are our tips for a traveling proposal. 

1. Let your lodging know ahead of time. 

Whether you’re staying at a hotel or an Airbnb, communicate your plans to your hosts ahead of time. Many hotels, and even some Airbnb hosts, offer special deals, packages, or rates that can add extra romance throughout the trip. 

Ask about those perks, and plan what you want. 

→ Perks before the proposal set the overall tone of the trip. There’s nothing like walking into a hotel room to a bottle of chilled champagne after a day of travel. 

→ Perks after the proposal can extend the special experience. Imagine returning to your room to a rose-petal covered bed with your fiance. 

2. Pack the ring right. 

Nothing will thwart your proposal like losing the ring or spoiling the surprise! Be proactive in protecting the ring. 

→ Keep the ring in your carry-on, don’t put it into a checked bag and risk losing it to baggage delays. 

→ Carry the ring in your personal item (a backpack or small bag) that will be closest to you at all times. If you’re only bringing a carry-on suitcase or larger bag, ensure it’s the correct size and weight. An oversized carry-on can sometimes become a checked bag at the gate. 

→ Don’t share a bag with your significant other. If you usually do share a bag, try to circumvent the reason why (for example, gift them a new suitcase set ahead of time if they often overflow into your bags because of an old or small suitcase). 

→ Keep your ring far from your liquids and anything likely to be inspected at the security checkpoint. You don’t want TSA revealing the ring box on accident. Consider going through security behind your honey, and in the case of a check, ask them to go ahead to snag coffee or drinks just in case. 

3. Have a backup plan. 

While your plan might seem perfect, there’s always a chance something will go wrong. It’s important to have a backup plan for any proposal, but particularly if you’re traveling to propose. The park that looked gorgeous on Google Maps might be grassless and littered with trash now. The weather, forecasted to be clear and gorgeous, might have a torrential downpour. Whatever causes it, there’s always a chance your idea might not work. 

Create a backup plan ahead of time and communicate it to anyone involved. If there are people traveling with you who are involved, consider a secret phrase that notifies them to switch gears to Plan B, if you think you won’t be able to privately speak or text. 

4. Hire a local photographer.

Hiring a photographer is always on our shortlist for proposal preparation. This is a once-in-a-lifetime memory. A photographer will capture the moment at a level that even family or friends simply can’t do. 

Plus, by hiring a local photographer, you have access to a local expert who may recommend a location ahead of time from their personal experience. If you’re planning an Austin, Texas proposal, a local Austinite (like us) is going to know the skinny better than Google. 

5. Propose early on

Unless you have a particular reason to wait, propose early on in the trip. Anticipating a proposal the entire trip will leave you jittery and/or suspicious, and the ring is going to be at the back of your mind throughout. 

By proposing early, your trip becomes a celebration of the proposal rather than a potentially tense build-up. 


Now, you’re ready to pack the ring and pop that question! Traveling to propose doesn’t have to be stressful. In fact, it can make for an even more magical moment! If you’re planning an Austin, Texas proposal, we’re experts in the area and in proposals. We’d love to help. Schedule a discovery call to hear what we do as Austin’s local proposal planners. 

April 30, 2021

5 Top Tips If You’re Traveling to Propose


Hey there, I'm Tessa!

Founder and lead planner of Amore Austin. It's my mission to transform couples' dream proposals into reality by using creative solutions to design and execute luxuriously romantic proposals that are as unique as the couples we love to serve.


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